31 Oct ICMJ Japan Tour EOI open now!
The current funding contract of ICMJ with MLA and AMPC for 2016 to 2021 has a new key deliverable as stated in the below dot point.
• An additional overseas tour to a key export market for Australian product for example Japan, Korea or China. Given these markets are very significant to the Australian industry, there is a clear benefit in exposing students and young professionals committed to the industry, to how these markets operate and what they demand from us. We have historically taken students on a tour of the US, many of which have found themselves in various positions throughout industry. Providing students and young industry professionals with an understanding of our North Asian markets could also prove highly beneficial.
As such, ICMJ are seeking expressions of interest from current committee, coaches and alumni to attend the 2018 proposed tour of Japan.
2018 Japanese tour will:
• be attended by ICMJ committee, university coaches and ICMJ alumni that have the need to learn about the Japanese market and culture in greater depth
• culminate in the Japanese ICMJ competition 28th February- 2nd March 2018
• visit Universities, Wagyu studs, F1 Wagyu Frisian feedlots, dairy farms, value adding and beef processing facilities
• visit MLA in Tokyo, plus visit wholesalers, retailers, food service and processors in Tokyo
• projected length of tour 10 days
ICMJ will cover the main trip expenses including flights, accommodation and some meals. Successful applicants will be required to cover their own travel insurance, incidentals and some meals.
Expression of interest:
• Nominations must be received by 5pm Monday 6th November 2017
• Please provide:
o Name:
o Contact details:
o Involvement with ICMJ to date (dot points)
o Current career or career prospects
o Involvement with Japan in current or future career
o A Japanese contact you can provide to host the tour group (if you have one)
o Reason why you personally need to know more about the Japanese beef industry
o Articulation of why you need to know more about Japanese culture and cuisine habits
For any further clarification or to submit your expression of interest, please contact Ruth Corrigan
0400302629; 0260202029 (AH); racorrigan@gmail.com