06 May ICMJ starts digital delivery with meat tech webinar
ICMJ starts digital delivery with meat tech webinar
Red meat industry participants and agriculture students will have access to the latest insights into the development of new technologies for the evaluation of meat eating-quality, with the Intercollegiate Meat Judging Association (ICMJ) launching its new webinar series on Wednesday May 13.
As a result of coronavirus restrictions forcing the cancellation of its conferences and workshops, ICMJ has shifted to digital delivery to ensure students and young industry professionals can continue to access meat science training and networking opportunities.
Its webinar series will be open to everyone in industry, and will be one of several different digital activities to be rolled out of the next six months.
The first webinar will be held on Wednesday May 13, from 12-1pm, and feature ICMJ National President and University of New England meat scientist, Dr Peter McGilchrist, speaking on ‘New Technologies to Measure Eating Quality in Beef and Lamb’. The webinar will also include a processing sector perspective with Jasmine Green from Teys Australia discussing the implementation and benefits of technology to assist with MSA grading of beef carcasses.
“Through the industry’s Advanced Livestock Measurement Technologies program, some incredible new technologies are being developed that will change the way meat eating quality is assessed, aiding improved segregation and better consistency of products that are delivered to our customers around the world,” Dr McGilchrist said.
“The goal of the webinar is to raise awareness in the red meat industry of some of these amazing innovations that are coming through the pipeline, as well as the challenges they will face as they work towards commercialisation.
“The webinar will cover details about the meat characteristics that these technologies can measure, the trials and tribulations of development, and what they will mean for the way processing companies and meat brands go about their business.”
The ICMJ Association is a not-for-profit organisation run by a 100% volunteer committee, funded by Meat & Livestock Australia, the Australian Meat Processing Corporation and industry sponsors, with a mission to ‘Inspire and develop future professionals in the global red meat industry’. Now in its 30th year of existence, the Australian ICMJ has a long and successful reputation of attracting graduates to careers in the red meat industry.
New Technologies to Measure Eating Quality
• Presenters:
o How ALMTech is changing the way we measure meat quality – Dr Peter McGilchrist, UNE
o The processor’s perspective – what the new technologies mean for red meat companies and their customers around the world, with Jasmine Green from Teys Australia
o Questions and Answers
• When: Wednesday May 13 at 12pm to 1pm (AEST).
How to connect: Download Zoom and register your attendance HERE